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4 Common Spiders in New York

Large wolf spider, one of the spiders in New York, on concrete

New York State: a landscape of bustling cities and serene woodlands, harboring a diverse army of spiders within its midst. While these eight-legged creatures are often inconspicuous partners in your household, their presence can occasionally lead to unwelcome problems when encroaching on your space.

While many of New York’s spiders aren’t highly venomous, having them as regular houseguests is still far from ideal. Understanding the habits and tendencies of these spiders is key to managing and preventing potential infestations.

Continue reading to explore the spider species that reside in the Rockland and Orange County areas of New York. Discover more about your arachnid neighbors and how United States Pest Service can lend a hand!

American House Spider (Parasteatoda tepidariorum)

The American house spider is a small arachnid, typically measuring about 5-8 mm in length. Their bodies are generally brown or grayish with distinct patterns on their abdomens, often resembling a chevron or triangular shape. Females are larger than males and are recognized for their rounder bodies.

These spiders prefer indoor environments, seeking undisturbed corners or secluded areas to construct their webs. Their webs are messy and irregular, providing a suitable trap for flying insects. American house spiders feed on a variety of pests, including flies, mosquitoes, and other small insects, contributing to natural pest control efforts.

While their venom is considered medically insignificant to humans, their presence can cause concerns due to the unsightly webs they weave around homes. Their bite, though rare, might cause mild irritation or redness similar to a mosquito bite in sensitive individuals.

Common House Spider (Achaearanea tepidariorum)

Similar in appearance to the American house spider, the common house spider also measures around 5-8 mm in length. They possess a brownish-yellow coloration with varying markings on their bodies, which can include lighter stripes or spots.

Common house spiders thrive indoors, often inhabiting attics, basements, and wall crevices. They construct irregular webs in less trafficked areas to capture prey, like flies, ants, and other small insects. 

Like American house spiders, the common house spiders are typically harmless to humans, and their bite should only cause mild discomfort and irritation. 

Wolf Spider (Lycosidae)

As one of the largest spiders in New York and the United States, wolf spiders are robust arachnids, varying in size from 10 to 35 mm in length. They have a hairy appearance with distinct patterns on their bodies. These spiders typically have dark brown or grayish coloration, and some species may display markings that resemble eyes on their back.

Unlike other spiders, wolf spiders do not build webs to catch prey. Instead, they actively hunt for insects, pursuing them on the ground. They prefer outdoor habitats but may venture indoors, seeking shelter or food. These spiders hide in dark, secluded areas like basements, garages, or garden sheds.

Wolf spiders are generally non-aggressive but might bite if provoked or threatened. Their bite contains venom, but it rarely harms humans. Bites may cause mild pain, redness, or swelling akin to a bee sting.

Yellow Sac Spider (Cheiracanthium inclusum)

Yellow sac spiders are small, pale yellow to light beige in color, with a slender body measuring about ¼ to ½ inch (6-12 mm) in length. They lack distinctive markings and have elongated legs.

These spiders build silken sacs for shelter and do not construct webs to catch prey. Instead, they actively hunt for insects during the night. They may inadvertently wander indoors, often found in ceilings, corners, or behind furniture.

While their venom is less potent than other species, yellow sac spider bites may cause mild symptoms like redness, swelling, and localized pain. However, severe reactions are rare, and symptoms typically subside within a few days without medical intervention.

How You Can Prevent Spiders in New York State

Homeowners can take several proactive measures to prevent spiders from entering and establishing infestations in their homes. Here are some effective strategies:

Yellow sac spider on a tree limb
  • Regular Cleaning and Decluttering: Spiders are attracted to cluttered areas as they offer hiding spots. Regularly decluttering and cleaning your home, especially in areas like attics, basements, and corners, can deter spiders from settling in.
  • Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for potential entry points such as cracks, gaps, or holes in doors, windows, walls, and foundations. Seal these openings using caulk, weather stripping, or screens to prevent spiders from entering.
  • Remove Outdoor Debris: Many spiders in New York often reside in outdoor clutter like woodpiles, garden debris, or stacked materials. Keeping outdoor areas tidy and debris-free reduces potential spider habitats near your home.
  • Install Door Sweeps: Place door sweeps on exterior doors to prevent spiders (and other pests) from crawling inside and create a barrier against their entry.
  • Reduce Exterior Lighting: Exterior lights attract insects, which, in turn, attract spiders. Consider using yellow or sodium vapor lights that are less appealing to insects.
  • Trim Vegetation: Trim trees, bushes, and shrubs that touch or are close to your home. Spiders can use overhanging branches or dense vegetation as pathways to access your house.
  • Use Natural Repellents: Certain scents, such as peppermint oil, vinegar, or citrus, can repel spiders. Spraying these natural repellents in spider-prone areas may deter them from settling in those spots.
  • Regular Vacuuming: Regular vacuuming helps remove webs, eggs, and spiders themselves, reducing their populations indoors. Pay particular attention to corners, ceilings, and other secluded areas.
  • Store Items Properly: When storing items in attics, basements, or garages, use airtight containers whenever possible. Cardboard boxes and open containers provide hiding spots for spiders.
  • Professional Pest Control Services: Consider periodic inspections and treatments by professional pest control services. They can apply targeted treatments to areas prone to spider infestations, providing long-term prevention against spiders in New York.

Implementing these preventative measures can significantly reduce the likelihood of spider infestations in your home, creating a less hospitable environment for these arachnids.

United States Pest Service Can Eliminate Spiders in New York!

At United States Pest Service, we understand the challenges homeowners face when dealing with spider infestations in New York. Our dedicated team employs proven methods and cutting-edge techniques to eliminate existing spider populations while implementing preventive measures to keep them at bay. 

From Rockland County to Orange County and beyond, we aim to safeguard your home against unwanted arachnid guests. With our expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction, we assure you of a spider-free environment. Trust United States Pest Service to provide effective and reliable spider control solutions across the diverse landscapes of New York State.

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