Are spiders invading your home and leaving you feeling uneasy? Winter seems to be the time when these creepy pests are most noticeable. But where do spiders go in the winter when the temperatures drop? We’ve got the answers!
Read on, and we’ll uncover if spiders truly invade your home in the winter and show you how to banish them from your space for good. No more shivers down your spine, and no more fear of finding a spider in your bed!
How Do Spiders Survive the Winter?
Spiders are highly adaptable creatures that can survive in a variety of situations, including cold temperatures. In harsh winter conditions, many spiders struggle to find viable food sources and safe places to rest.
A spider’s most common strategy is to find a warm, protected place to overwinter. They may seek out a burrow in the ground, rock crevices, or a crack in a wall. Some species of spiders can spin a silk cocoon to protect themselves from the cold, while others stay in manufactured structures, like sheds, garages, or attics.
Others survive the winter by entering a state of hibernation by slowing their metabolic rate, reducing their activity level, and conserving energy. Hibernation will help spiders avoid the weather and reduce their need for food.
However, not all spiders can hibernate. House spiders stay active throughout the winter, hunting and feeding indoors. Unlike other spider species, they never typically exit homes and are a constant fixture inside.
Species located in warmer climates may never have to adapt to chilly winter weather, as the temperatures remain relatively constant throughout the year.
Curious about common New York spiders? Check out this guide here! You take a look at here at our blog about wolf spiders in New York for more information, too!
Where Do Spiders Go in the Winter?
It is a common misconception that spiders only come inside during the winter. While it is true that spiders may be more noticeable inside homes during the colder months, they don’t exclusively seek shelter from the winter weather.
Because we stay inside when the temperatures drop low, we may spend additional time with the spiders already living indoors. Seeing more spiders when it’s cold doesn’t suggest these pests habitually infest your home to escape the winter chill.
In fact, various factors can encourage a rise in spider populations.

Spiders are prey-driven creatures who primarily enter buildings or structures for food. While outdoor spaces allow spiders to hunt and feed during the warmer months, this can become more challenging during the winter, when insect populations decline.
As a result, spiders may venture indoors in search of food, where they can find a ready supply of prey in the form of indoor insects, such as flies, roaches, and silverfish.
Many species of spiders are territorial and seek a suitable place to build their webs and lay eggs. While not typical, spiders could also come in to establish a home. Our houses provide an attractive habitat for many spiders, as they offer a warm, dry, and protected environment.
Spiders are not exclusively seasonal creatures. While some species are active during certain times of the year, spiders survive and thrive regardless of the weather conditions.
Plus, even if you do not see spiders inside your home during the winter, there are likely a few creepy critters hanging around.
Protecting Your Home From Spiders
Here are some tips for preparing yourself against wintertime nuisances, including spiders and the other pests that they may eat:
Seal cracks and holes in your home: Ensure that all damages and gaps in your home’s walls, windows, and doors are properly sealed to prevent spiders and other pests from entering.
Keep your home clean: Spiders are attracted to clutter and mess, preferring to create webs and bed down in unused and disordered spaces. Keeping your home tidy could make important areas less appealing. Vacuum regularly and clean up any crumbs or spills to keep the pests they eat away, as well.
Store food appropriately: Make sure to store food in airtight containers to prevent attracting pests like ants and cockroaches, which in turn can attract spiders. As an added benefit, opt for hard plastic or glass options to keep mice and rats from infesting your pantry items too.
Use spider-repelling plants: Certain plants, such as lavender, eucalyptus, and mint, have spider-repellent properties. Consider planting these in or around your home to discourage spiders from entering. Remember that these aren’t guaranteed to eliminate spiders or keep them away, but this is an excellent option to include with other pest control methods. Here’s a great guide to growing mint indoors!
Invest in a professional pest control service: A professional pest control service can provide a comprehensive solution to your wintertime pest problems and keep other insects from appearing throughout the year. An exterminator can assess your home and implement the best possible strategies to prevent and control pests, including spiders and other pests they may eat.
United States Pest Service is your go-to pest control company for any of your Middletown pest problems. Our trained technicians can swiftly remove any burgeoning spider, ant, or roach infestation in your home!
Contact us today to schedule an appointment!